View PDFs & XBRLs and verify their digital signatures.
With Verify by Hancock you can keep your users on your site when viewing PDFs and they won't need to install Adobe Acrobat to verify documents are authentic and have not been modified.
Copy code below and paste into your website
<verify-viewer url="https://verify.ink/assets/documents/electronic_records_and_signatures_in_commerce.pdf,https://verify.ink/assets/documents/gleif_annual_report_2018.signed.xhtml" show-signature-if-present="true" notify-if-not-signed="true" sign="true" download="true" search="true" app-host="https://app.hancock.ink" api-host="https://api.hancock.ink" ></verify-viewer> <script type="module" src="https://verify.ink/webcomponent/index.js"></script>
Show signatures
Alert if the document is not signed
Allow others to sign document
Allow search across document
Allow others to download document
By embedding Verify content in your website or app you are agreeing to the Hancock Development Agreement and Developer Policy
Easy to use, easy to integrate.
Embedd documents into your website or app with just a few lines of code. Check out our Guides and API docs.
<verify-viewer url="https://verify.ink/assets/documents/electronic_records_and_signatures_in_commerce.pdf,https://verify.ink/assets/documents/gleif_annual_report_2018.signed.xhtml" show-signature-if-present="true" notify-if-not-signed="true" sign="true" download="true" app-host="https://app.hancock.ink" api-host="https://api.hancock.ink" ></verify-viewer> <script type="module" src="https://verify.ink/webcomponent/index.js"></script>
Need to digitally sign documents?
Hancock is a digital signature and workflow solution that helps you close contracts with confidence and be more efficient.
Learn more